
Our Mission

Our Mission is to help people around the world live in the fullness of God.

Thanks to our covenant partners, we are taking the Power and Glory of the Kingdom of God to the Nations and making a difference in the lives of people.

Kingdom Power Ministries International is an evangelistic and Revival ministry that was commissioned by God in november 1996 during its first official outreach in Ivory coast Since then we have had crusades and special power conferences in several cities in Europe,United Kingdom,  Asia and African countries.

As a ministry we have the mandate:

  • to bring the lost to Christ.
  • to bring deliverance and healig to the sick and captive.
  • to raise a people with passion to seek and serve God.
  • to raise people who will be carriers of God’s Power and Presence to impact our world for Jesus.

We believe God has commissioned us to do this by Organising:

  • Monthly programs called NIGHT OF REVOLUTION held in different parts of the country.
  • Deliverance and Healing crusades in cities, towns and villages in collaboration with other churches.
  • Prayer retreats and Revival conferences in cities, towns and villages.
  • Higher institution outreaches in universities, Polytechnics and colleges of Education.
  • Distribution of audio and video materials teaching and preaching the word of God.

Use of the Print and electronic Media

Essence Uncategorized

About KPMI

Kingdom Power Ministries International is an evangelistic and Revival ministry commissioned by God in November 1996 during its first official outreach in Abidjan,Ivory coast. The ministry has a mandate to win the lost to Christ and bring revival to the Church of God. We believe God has commissioned us to do this by Organising, Deliverance and Healing crusades in towns and cities.

  • Deliverance and Healing crusades in cities, towns and villages in collaboration with other churches
  • Prayer retreats and Revival conferences in cities, towns and villages
  • Higher institution outreaches in universities, Polytechnics and colleges of Education.
  • Distribution of audio and video materials teaching and preaching the word of God.
  • Use of the Print and Electronic Media for spreading the Word of God.